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6 steps to let your emotions be there & not resisting them

Pushing emotions away

What is it with ‘negative’ emotions that we want to push them away? Why do we resist feeling the sadness, pain, loneliness or frustration? Why don’t we just cry, jell or scream?

I had a few years wherein I thought that if I would act happy all the time, I would be happy and people would like me. Boy, was I wrong. With forcing myself into a certain way, I wasn’t happy at all. I was just pretending.

90 second rule

Then I learned that it only takes an emotion 90 seconds to go through your body. 90 seconds! But that is only if we don’t resist it.

The strange thing is actually that we think by resisting it, we can make it go away. But what it actually does, is that we hang onto it. We make it bigger. And it keeps coming back asking for our attention. Now when a nagging feeling comes up, I try to sit down and let it go through my body. You probably know that feeling of relieve after a good cry.

So how to do this?

  1. When you feel something coming up, find a quiet place where you can sit down;
  2. Sit down and close your eyes. Become aware of your body and observe;
  3. Where in your body do you feel the emotion? How does it feel? Heavy? Is it moving? Do you notice tears?
  4. Observe without trying to change it. Let it move around and follow your body’s instinct;
  5. If the emotion wants to come out by crying, screaming or jelling, just let it.
  6. Sit for about 5 minutes before you open your eyes again. Notice how you feel now.

In my coaching I also use this technique. Do you want to start the new year with my accountability and love yourself for who you are including all your emotions? Check out my “love yourself from the inside out” coaching program

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I am here to help you.

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